
Welcome to Calling the Shots®

Calling the Shots® was established to help guide teenagers and young adults to navigate mental health challenges that impact their relationships, education, work, and home life. The the belief that well-being encompasses physical health, mental health, relationships, and meaningful contributions, we are dedicated to guide teenagers and young adults through their unique challenges toward a fulfilling life.

Our Founder's Journey

Our journey began with a realization born from personal struggle and not fitting in. Our founder, a resilient soul who navigated the tumultuous waters of adolescence marked by conflict, substance use, and a quest for belonging, discovered the power of mindfulness and cognitive behavioral systems in his 30s to help manage his struggles with ADHD. His experiences, from the harrowing to the enlightening, have not only shaped his approach to mental health coaching but have also ignited a passion to help others find their footing in the face of adversity.

Our Philosophy

At Calling the Shots®, we believe that our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors are the compasses that guide us through life. By focusing on these core aspects, we aim to equip you with a robust system of cognitive functioning, emotional resilience, and constructive behaviors. Our approach is rooted in mindfulness and tailored cognitive behavioral techniques, reflecting a deep understanding of the challenges and triumphs on the path to mental wellness.

There are many variations of similar categories that generally make up our well-being. I break them down into 4 main domains:

  • Physical Health (Physical activity, sleep, nutrition, diet)

  • Mental Health (Intellect, cognitive functions, emotional intelligence, executive functions)

  • Relationships (Including spirituality and social status)

  • Occupation/Contribution (Career, purpose, finances)

Generally, if we can find a way to consistently fill a bucket for each domain (Physical/Mental Health, Relationships, Contribution) we will live a fulfilling life.

There are Three Central Principles From Which we Operate

  1. Cognitive Functioning

  • Relates to our thoughts and beliefs. How we perceive things.

  1. Emotional Construct

  • How we feel. Our mood. Our emotional capacity.

  1. Behavioral Components

  • What we do with the information relayed to us from our thoughts and feelings.

The cycle usually begins with a thought. A simple projection that comes to mind. That can often be accompanied by an emotion (which we develop through experience). We then interpret that sensation with more thinking, which often leads to generating a feeling from our thoughts and emotions.

The behavioral components are what we decide to do with the information we gather from our body and mind. For example, if a person is having a difficult time with something, they think things like "I will do this later," "I don't want to do this," or "I just can't do this." That will lead to a deflating feeling about oneself. The decisions to engage with those thoughts and eventually avoiding the thing altogether, which ultimately makes the cycle more difficult in the long run, is what culminates from our cognitive and emotional construct.

Calling the Shots® Foundation

Life Domain Definition Expression Impact on Self Impact on Others
Physical Health The state of physical well-being and the ability to perform everyday activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. Regular exercise, balanced diet, adequate sleep. Improved energy, strength, and immunity. Sets a positive example, reduces healthcare burden.
Mental Health A state of well-being in which an individual realizes their own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and is able to make a contribution to their community. Stress management, seeking help when needed, mindfulness practices. Enhanced self-esteem, resilience, and emotional stability. Promotes empathy, supports community well-being.
Relationships The way in which two or more people are connected, or the state of being connected. Communication, understanding, respect. Provides emotional support, enhances personal growth. Builds trust, fosters community and cooperation.
Occupation/Contribution The effort made to achieve a purpose or result, especially in one's job, or the act of giving something to help achieve or advance something. Dedication, innovation, volunteerism. Sense of purpose, achievement, and personal fulfillment. Economic development, community service, and enhancement.

Our Mission

To empower teenagers and young adults to navigate their challenges with resilience and mindfulness, equipping them with the tools for a fulfilling life. We're here to help you "call the shots" in your journey, guiding you towards developing a healthy cognitive, emotional, and behavioral system.

At Calling the Shots® we believe in the power of mindfulness and cognitive behavioral techniques—not just as tools for managing challenges, but as pathways to a balance life. Our approach is deeply influenced by our founder's personal experiences and his success in using these techniques to navigate his own ADHD. We advocate for a personalized blend of mindfulness and cognitive strategies, tailored to empower each individual to manage their challenges and harness their unique strengths.

Why Choose Us?

  1. Lived Experience: Our foundation is built on real-life challenges and triumphs. We understand the journey because we've walked it ourselves. Our founder has over 10 years of dedicated service in development and mental health services.

  2. Mindfulness and Cognitive Techniques: Inspired by our founder's success with these methods, we integrate mindfulness and cognitive behavioral strategies into our coaching, offering practical, effective tools for personal growth.

  3. Personalized Support: We see the individual behind the challenges. Our services are customized to your story, ensuring that the support you receive is as unique as you are.

  4. A Community of Empowerment: Join a community where your struggles are understood, your growth is celebrated, and your well-being is the priority. Together, we're not just calling the shots; we're changing lives.

Join Our Journey

Calling the Shots invites you to be part of our community. Through our shared experiences, we will partner with you in navigating the complexities of mental wellness. Whether you're facing challenges in relationships, education, work, or home life, we're here to help you call the shots, empowering you to take control of your journey

Hi, I'm Abraham Carreon

I founded Calling the Shots® in 2021 as a mental health support community for people who struggled with ADHD challenges. As someone who had been in several roles as a coach/mentor to youth with severe behavioral and emotional challenges since 2013, and learning how ADHD has had a tremendous impact on my life, I vowed to support others who struggled with similar challenges.

So, I founded Calling the Shots® as a means to support for anybody seeking behavioral lifestyle changes.

I have a professional ADHD coach certificate, over 10 years of experience in coaching and mentoring, and 6+ years of experience in residential treatment for at-risk youth. I am currently in the process of getting certification as a Mental Health Coach through the Headspace Training Institute.

Goal Setting

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Relationship Coaching

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Stress Management

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Career Advice

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What Is ADHD Coaching?

Similarly to any other athletic or specified performance coach, the role of an ADHD coach is to help you improve in the areas you seek to understand and grow. In this case, we are talking about your ADHD symptoms. A coach will help you build confidence in identifying and utilizing your unique strengths. They will challenge you to bring out your best.

The ADHD coach helps the client to develop the structures necessary to function effectively and teaches practical approaches to the challenges of daily life. Some of these challenges include organization, planning, procrastination, impulsivity, fidgeting, communication, and overall well-being. A coach will help you establish healthy habits and coping tools to utilize when you start feeling overwhelmed.

With a coach, you will learn how to navigate and regulate emotions by practicing ways to recognize when you are being self-critical and getting lost in your thoughts. You will identify the main challenges that are holding you back, and proactively pursue weekly goals to get that needle moving in the right direction.

Simply put, you will be getting first-hand insight and an objective perspective with possible solutions from outside of your own brain—that is still tailored specifically to it. Schedule a FREE consultation call to further discuss!

ADHD Coaching is NOT:

Therapeutic treatment

Analytical. Our goal isn't to dissect how we got to this point

A means to "heal" our symptoms

Meant to gain an understanding by digging into our past

Reflective in nature (although reflecting will be necessary in practice)

Coaching may benefit someone:

Who feels lost and is looking for support and guidance

Struggling with executive functioning

Who would like to improve their relationships and communication with others

With an open mind - a genuine curiosity and willingness to learn

Feeling stuck and uninspired but knows they have more to offer

Who feels out of place and like they're leading a double life.

CTS Coaching for Teenagers and Adults

  • 12 week commitment

  • Virtual weekly coaching sessions

  • Accountability check-in's

  • Weekly progress check-in's accommodated

  • Goal oriented

  • Areas to cover : Organizing/planning, prioritizing, focused attention, mood regulation, accountability and awareness

  • Identifying goals tailored specifically for your needs

What Is ADHD Coaching?

Similarly to any other athletic or specified performance coach, the role of an ADHD coach is to help you improve in the areas you seek to understand and grow. In this case, we are talking about your ADHD symptoms. A coach will help you build confidence in identifying and utilizing your unique strengths. They will challenge you to bring out you best.

The ADHD coach helps the client to develop the structures necessary to function effectively and teaches practical approaches to the challenges of daily life. Some of these challenges include organization, planning, procrastination, impulsivity, fidgeting, communication, and overall well being. A coach will help you establish healthy habits and coping tools to utilize when you start feeling overwhelmed.

With a coach, you will learn how to navigate and regulate emotions by practicing ways to recognize when you are being self-critical and getting lost in your thoughts. You will identify the main challenges that are holding you back, and proactively pursue weekly goals to get that needle moving in the right direction.

Simply put, you will be getting first-hand insight and an objective perspective with possible solutions from outside of your own brain—that is still tailored specifically to it. Schedule a FREE consultation call to further discuss!

ADHD Coaching is NOT:

Therapeutic treatment

Analytical. Our goal isn't to dissect how we got to this point

A means to "heal" our symptoms

Meant to gain an understanding by digging into our past

Reflective in nature (although reflecting will be necessary in practice)

Coaching may benefit someone:

Feeling lost and is looking for support and guidance

Struggling with executive functioning

Who would like to improve their relationships and communication with others

With an open mind - a genuine curiosity and willingness to learn

Feeling stuck and uninspired but knows they have more to offer

Who feels out of place and like they're leading a double life

Adult Coaching

  • 12 week commitment

  • Virtual weekly coaching sessions

  • Accountability check-in's

  • Weekly progress check-in's available

  • Goal oriented

  • Areas to cover : Organizing/planning, prioritizing, focused attention, mood regulation, accountability and awareness

  • Identifying goals tailored specifically for your needs


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“Mauris aliquam lobortis eros tincidunt sodales. Vestibulum non quam vitae sapien eleifend varius. Phasellus id metus mauris.”

“Mauris aliquam lobortis eros tincidunt sodales. Vestibulum non quam vitae sapien eleifend varius. Phasellus id metus mauris.”

Calling the Shots Resources

Executive Functions

Untreated ADHD may bring significant challenges with some of these functions. One of which is even knowing that these are challenges we are facing.

Emotional Intelligence

Developing a skill set in expressing our emotions gives us a better understanding of time and place, picking our battles, and having a better sense of when to engage/disengage.


We don’t like to be told what to do. We have a hard time following rules. If it doesn’t interest us, we want no part of it. And yet, we absolutely need someone, something, or some form of hard rules to guide us.

Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.

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Maecenas ligula nisi, mollis ac nulla et, sagittis lobortis erat. Vestibulum rutrum at quam vitae consectetur. Suspendisse ullamcorper hendrerit turpis, ac cursus eros lacinia at. Donec vitae fermentum ligula. Sed porta ac ante ut maximus. Donec aliquet leo porta, viverra diam ut, accumsan metus.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

Copyright © 2022 Calling the Shots, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2022 Calling the Shots, LLC. All Rights Reserved